contact happykidsholidays

contact happykidsholidays


If you are interested in finding out more about a property or booking a holiday, please contact the owner directly; we cannot advise you on availability or make bookings on your behalf.  Please do remember to mention happykidsholidays when you contact an owner.

If you are a property owner whose property is already listed on the happykidsholidays website and you would like to make changes to your entry please contact colleen@happykidsholidays.com

If you have any suggestions about how we can improve our service and for all other queries, please contact Emma Ryland at emma@happykidsholidays.com


  partners and friends of happykidsholidays  

The following links are friends, supporters or sites which we believe maybe of value to children, familes and adults living with ASD, Autism or Aspergers.

www.homestead.com/awareuk/ - Airedale and Wharfdale Autism Resource

www.ableize.com  Directory of disability resources, information aids and mobility services

www.autismawarenesscentre.org International resource based in Canada, offering information and workshops

http://www.beamsleyproject.org.uk/ The Beamsley Project is an independent charity which  provides self-catering holiday accommodation in the Yorkshire Dales for people with disabilities and their care assistants

www.kepplewray.org.uk - Kepplewray challenges exclusion and is founded on a commitment to bring disabled and non-disabled people together as equal partners, promoting the ethos of inclusion.  The Project operates a fully accessible and inclusive education and outdoor activity centre in the English Lake District, offering adventure, challenge, learning and relaxation for all.  Kepplewray also provides consultancy and training in: disability awareness issues, complying with legislation and good practice, to the statutory, voluntary and business sectors.


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